Season Ten Episode Eighteen and Nineteen

20 03 2011

Steven Tyler said; ‘You define a cool dude in a loose mood” to Paul, “I love it when you break into your ethnic what-it-is-ness” to Karen, and “to be crazy and talented and have it all together at the same time, that’s the goop that great stuff are made from” to Casey.  Lol!  Only from Stevie, I think. 🙂

So, Casey did it again this week!  Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana.  I don’t care if Jennifer thinks you’re a screamy-screechy in some parts of it.  For me you just rocked it!  Heck yeah! 😀

Lauren Alaina did good too!  Finally, like what Randy said, she’s back!  I just like her voice.  It’s like a really safe voice or a very sure singing voice.  Lol!  It’s like her voice will never go out of the melody.

Phew!  My two bets are safe.  Be the best again next week, ok? 🙂